<aside> ⚠️ We do not yet know the kinds of wildlife you’ll encounter on the property. Watch out for snakes at least!


Property Boundaries

This map illustrates the property boundaries. Everything bounded by the road is in-bounds for the “main” portion of the property. The “far ridge” requires some more navigation but has stunning views and is marked by poles (more markings/detail coming soon!)


Maps are also available for use!


Feel free to walk wherever you’d like on the property in any order. We’ll be working on a series of trails to give more structure and predictable distances.

A loop around the main portion of the property along the road is 0.75 mile.

Over the far ridge and back, performing switchbacks is ~1.5 miles and covers 300 feet of elevation gain.

From the property’s lowest point to the top of the far ridge is 500 feet of elevation gain.